Frosted Window Christmas Backdrop Overlays for Composite Photography
Frosted Window Christmas Backdrop Overlays for Composite Photography
What's included?
12, Frosted Window Christmas Backdrop Overlays, 7872 × 5568px, each saved in 300 dpi, as a JPG file.
Please check the additional before and after editing images before making a purchase.
You will need a basic knowledge of Photoshop CC or any other software or app supporting layers, to be able to use digital backdrops.
You should know how the layers and blending modes work and how to use them.
This is a digital download and instant download listing.
Any Personal use is ok.
Also, if you are a photographer or digital artist, you can use them as an add-on to your studio photography portraits.
Any commercial use is prohibited - NO for printed stationery, photography backdrops printed or digital, or any other type of online or offline business.